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08 August 2013

Latest Facebook tricks

1. Know Who Unfriend You!

It’s a tough job to find out who unfriend you in Facebook. Because there is no built-in option to know that. The situation will be worst if you have thousands of friends. But still it would be nice if we could know who don’t like us and who removes us from their friend lists. Then this trick is definitely going to help you on that. This can be done using a Chrome browser extension called ‘Unfriend Alerts’. To do this :
  1. Install Unfriend Alerts extension first.
  2. Goto Tools > Extensions and enable this extension.
  3. If you’re logged in at FB, just re-login now.
Now you can see the Unfriend Alerts tab on your Facebook notification bar, as you see in the image below.
 Unfriend Scrnsht Top Facebook Tricks That You Must Know For 2013!

2. Enlarge Unclickable Profile Pictures

If you are not aware, know that there is an “ONLY ME” option for uploaded photos. By changing the photo privacy to “Only Me”, that photo can’t be clicked and hence can’t be enlarged. How many of times you felt sad when you could not get that girl’s photo enlarged? icon smile Top Facebook Tricks That You Must Know For 2013! Don’ worry, that time has gone and now you can enlarge any such unclickable pics. Do this :
  1. Right click on the image and select “Open image in new tab” from the options.
  2. Now, on the browser’s address bar, you will see the photo’s URL address (link). Remove “ s160x160/ ” from that URL and hit ENTER key.
Now, you can see the original size of that photo. It works in all browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, Opera and more. Just open the image in new tab and remove that part which indicates its FB size. 

3. Invite All Friends Easily to Like Your Page – Without Selecting Everyone Manually!

This Facebook trick is not just for 2013, it’s for the decade! Because most of us have Facebook pages and want more Likes to them. But, FB does not allow us to automatically select all our friends to invite them. For a person who has 5k friends, it is tedious to select all of them. But using this trick, this task is as simple as that using Mozilla Firefox! Do this :
  1. Using Firefox, goto the Admin Panel of your page.
  2. Click Build Audience > Invite Friends > Search All Friends
  3. Wait until all your friends are loaded.
  4. In Firefox tool bar,  click Tools > Web Developer > Scratchpad
  5. Copy and paste this part of text into the Scratchpad ->  javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};
  6. Now just select this code as shown in the image below and then click Execute > Run.
  7. Wait, after all your friends are selected, click ‘Submit’.
Select all 1024x559 Top Facebook Tricks That You Must Know For 2013!
All your friends are invited now to Like your page. If you want anyone to not receive the invitation, just uncheck his/her name from the list.

4. Disable or Hide ‘Seen’ Feature in Chat Box

This is really an annoying feature for many people. This lets the other end user know that you have read the message he/she sent to you. Facebook informs the other end about the receipt of all messages. This feature will make a bad feeling to other end when we do not reply to their messages. So, this is one of the most wanted trick to stay undetected from this ‘Seen’ feature. It’s a browser extension that works well in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari browsers. To do this :
  1. Install this Chat Undetected extension to your browser.
  2. Enable or activate it if it did not work automatically.
Now onwards, the ‘Seen’ feature will not annoy you.

5. Change Facebook Theme Colour With Your Favourite Colour

What makes Orkut different from Facebook and most of the social sites is the usability of themes. In FB, we cannot change the theme colour as there is no option for that. But if you are bored of seeing the same blue colour all day or if you just hate blue, then better change the theme colour with your favourite colour. To do this :
  1. Install Change My Facebook Color extension on your Chrome browser.
  2. Enable it.
  3. Click ‘Change My Facebook Color’ extension icon that you see on the top-right area.
  4. Now choose and set Background and Foreground colours according to your needs. Then drag Arrow icon to the Bookmark Toolbar because we need this to browse FB in your colour.
  5. Now visit Facebook and then click the icon that you have just added now.
You can now see that Facebook theme has been changed according to the colour you provided. Please note that these changes are only applicable for you only. Other users will still see your profile in blue colour.

6. Tag More Than 50 People!
As you all know, we cannot tag more than 50 people using a PC but works in mobiles. To make it happen in PC too, you can do this trick. For this :
  1. Download Opera Mobile Emulator application
  2. Open the application and select a phone or tablet model
  3. Start browsing Facebook through this app.

7. Change Anchor Text of Links on Fan Pages and Profiles

As we all know, using symbol in behind any page name or profile name will change automatically to a clickable link. But there is no in-built option to change its anchor text, but using this trick, you can make it done easily. Please note that, in case of profile status updates, you have to use this two times on an update in order to this to work. For this :
  1. Get your profile’s or page’s unique ID by going to in which you have to change the username with the desired username of your page or profile. It’s a 15-digit number.
  2. Now copy and paste this code to your FB status update box -> @@[0:[YOURPAGEID:1:Anchor Text]] 
Replace the ‘YOURPAGEID’ with the ID you got just now and ‘Anchor Text’ with your new anchor text. After using it twice (you can change anchor texts) on an update, it will be displayed as links with your own anchor texts. 

8. Have Fun by Confusing Others!

In Facebook, the URL will enter to your own profile page. So that, this URL can be put on any status or comment boxes or chat boxes and confuse others. How? Suppose you are making an update like this with this URL -
“Hey friends, be aware of this person. He is so dangerous and police are searching for this born criminal. You take care of yourself from him!”
Then people will click on this URL, will see their own profile and will be confused and even shocked sometimes. Use your brain to use this trick wisely and have fun!

9. Update Your Status via iPhone 5, MacBook or even via Nokia 1100!

You might have seen many people posting status updates with a label “via iPhone” or via “Blackberry” etc etc. You cannot believe that they are actually using those devices to update statuses because of this trendy trick! This trick lets you post anything via any iPhone or MacBook Pro or any others. Here I’m listing a few most popular devices. To do this :
And a few funny ones too :
So, here ends the list of Facebook tricks. And I would also like to inform you about some non-working tricks below. These tricks have worked before but not working now in the year 2013 :
  1. Changing status update text colour from Black to Blue
  2. Blank status updates
  3. Delete all Facebook messages (clearing inbox) with one-click.



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